Thursday, October 23, 2008

[chap 4] Fell On His Own Trap

Chapter 4

[next day]
[Kairi is preparing to go to school]

[School – classroom]
[Seiya running fast in the corridors to Kairi’s Classroom]
Seiya: my princess!!...
[When Seiya have reached the classroom]
Seiya: where’s my princess??...[looking at every direction]
Kairi: [sweat-drop effect][standing in front of Seiya]
Seiya: hey you!..have you seen my princess??[talking to Kairi, he doesn’t recognize her because she’s wearing her eyeglasses]
Kairi: *is this guy stupid or what??*
Meiko: I think he’s stupid…
Meiko: Ohayo..
Kairi: Ohayo..
Suzuka: ohayo gozaimas’ Kairi, Meiko!... eh?why is Seiya here?
Meiko: he’s looking for Kairi…
Suzu: huh?but Kairi’s just here…
Kairi: ‘sigh’ [removes her glasses]
Seiya: oh? You’re just there my princess… where have you been???
[Kairi puts on her glasses again]
Seiya: hey! Why are you there? Where’s my princess???
[school bell rings]
Seiya: awwee,..i didn’t even see my princess [ walks out the classroom with a gloomy face]
Kairi: [sweat-drop effect](well at least I already know how to keep him away from me…)
Shin: tsk!..baka… [then takes his seat]
Kairi: ho-e??.. [looks back then takes her seat]

[during class hours]
Sensei: Mr. Natsume!..
Shin: [sleeping…] Zz..
Sensei: MR. NATSUME!
Kairi: *psst!...Natsume, the teacher’s calling you!..*
Shin: uh…huh?...what?..
Sensei: Mr. Natsume! It seems that your not paying attention to our lesson, will you please answer the equation on the board…[math problem…]
Shin: ‘yaaawn’ [stands, then goes to the board, answered the question fast, then goes back to his seat and sleeps again]
[The whole class and the teacher became stiff with matching jaw-drop effect looking at Shin][*except Kairi]

[end of class]
[Kairi, Meiko and Suzuka walking out the School]
Seiya: hey wait you three!..
[the three looks back and saw Seiya]
Meiko: what do you want?
Seiya: have you seen my princess?
Kairi: Sei—
Seiya: shut up! I’m not talking to you! ..[talking to Kairi] ..hey you two, why are you with this weird girl?!! Where’s my princess??
Kairi: eh??...weird?!!! [removes her glasses]
Seiya: oh my princes! I’ve found you! ♥_♥
[Kairi puts on her glasses again]
Seiya: eh?.. where’s my princess again??...
Meiko: [pointing at other direction]
[then Seiya runs to where Meiko points and ask everyone he runs into]
Seiya: did you see my princess? You, did you saw her?..[fading]
Meiko, Suzuka & Kairi: ‘SIGH’

[at the apartment]
Kairi: I’m here!
Aunt: oh, Kairi is that you? [shouting from the kitchen]
Kairi: Yes auntie!...
Aunt: ahm, will you run to the grocery store? There’s something I forgot to buy a while ago,.. and I just can’t leave because I’m cooking…
Kairi: Sure auntie.. wait I’ll just put down my things…[including her glasses]
Auntie: ok, thanks Kairi!..

[At the grocery store][*most scenes do not have dialogues so this part may seem full of narrations]
[Kairi looking for what she needs to buy then pays at the counter. While she was paying, Seiya was passing by the grocery store and he saw Kairi from the outside [*the walls are made of glass panels]. Seiya just follow Kairi’s movements with his eyes. When Kairi goes out the grocery store, Seiya followed her secretly. While Kairi was crossing the pedestrian lane, the goods that she had bought fell out of the plastic bag and when she is about to pick it up she didn’t notice that the “do not walk” sign is on and a truck[*the driver’s drunk] is coming her way. Shin, passing on the other side [*imagine that the grocery store is at the corner of the road] saw Kairi and also saw the truck that was coming, so he runs fast towards Kairi and push her at the side of the road, they both fell and is in awkward position [*Shin was on top of Kairi, **don’t make a greener idea, got it?]]

Shin: you ok?
Kairi: ah,..yeah..
[then they suddenly realize that they’re in awkward position, they immediately stood up, blushing! And then Kairi saw the goods she bought was hit by the truck]
Kairi: oh no..
Shin: tsk! Forget about that! [then Shin pulls Kairi, holding her hand, then goes back to the grocery store]
[then, the two went back to the apartment together; Shin is holding the goods, and Kairi is carrying Shin’s bag]
Kairi:[looks at Shin then smiles]

[As for Seiya, when he is about to save Kairi, he already saw Shin coming for her, after that He became spaced out and just walked out and sat at a bench at the park thinking deeply [*I’m not sure what he’s thinking though]

[at the apartment]
[When Shin and Kairi was about to enter their rooms]
Shin: aw!
Kairi: what’s the matter? Is something wrong?Shin: No. it’s nothing.
[Kairi saw that Shin is having a hard time to move his left knee]
Kairi: let me see it.
Shin: I said it’s nothing!
[Shin just kept silent and Kairi looks at Shin’s left knee]
[Kairi got shocked because she saw that Shin’s knee was bleeding]
[*flash back of the incident]
Kairi: oh my God! Is this from the accident??[*duh..]
Shin: it’s nothing. It’s just a scratch…
Kairi: BA-KA! How could you say that it’s just a scratch if it’s bleeding!!... wait for me I’ll just get the first aid kit.
Shin: wait Kai- [he didn’t finish talking because Kairi is no already there]
[At Shin’s room; Shin is sitting at the sofa; Kairi is sitting at a small chair fixing Shin’s injury][*Shins left foot is on Kairi’s lap]
Shin: you don’t need to do that, it’s not that bad…[slightly blushing]
Kairi: No, I insist, it’s my fault, it’s my responsibility!
Shin: you’re right…
Kairi: [nods her head]
Shin: it is your fault.
Kairi: right!...
Shin: because you’re clumsy.
Kairi: Absolutely correct!!—eh?!!
[then Kairi removes Shin’s injured foot on her lap]
Shin: AW!... I’m injured y’know!
Kairi: what did you say??!!hmph! I’ll go back to my room! [slightly blushing][After Kairi goes out, Shin just smiles; Kairi is also smiling outside Shin’s room]

[end of chapter 4]

1 comment:

  1. nc nc let!!!
    gara,,nag ccc qoh ala qmi net,,xDDD

    pag eto na publish,!!,,xD

    ei,,request lan,,
    pede bng violet eyes c shin,,
    asahan ko yan ahh,,^^~
    (kafal lan nuh,,)>.<

    vivienne aka anonymous,,(kagaguhan..xD)
