Thursday, October 23, 2008

[chap 3] Twin Trouble

Chapter 3


[Shin is talking to someone on the phone]
Shin: whaAat??WHY?you can’t!!
Shin’s mom: I’ll come today and that’s FINAL!
[puts down the phone]


Shin: wAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAHh!!!!!!!!![running around his room panicking]
[Kairi heard the noise at the next room]
Kairi: huh?isn’t that Natsume’s room? What’s all the fuss about?? Hmm,maybe I should check.
[Kairi rangs the doorbell of shin’s room]
Kairi: [shouting outside] hey natsume! What’s with the noise?!
Shin: *its Sakura!*[opens the door and pulls Kairi in immediately]
Kairi: wha-?what are you doing??are you crazy???
Shin: I need your help!
Kairi: why are you panicking??...*your room’s a mess!*…
Shin: ahhm..well, that’s exactly the problem… my mom’s coming today and she can’t see my room like this!*she’ll turn into a monster!!!8[having a flash back when his mother is burning with anger when she sees Shin’s room very messy[*the time when he still lives with his mom]]
Kairi: then why don’t you clean it??
Shin: that’s why I’m asking for your help! I can’t do this alone you know! And my mom I coming before lunch.
Kairi: hhmm,..ok.. but nothings free y’know, I’m the class rep and I got a lot of things to do, and things to bring, sooo…..
Shin: alright! Alright! I’ll carry them for 1 week!sheez…
[after 1 hour and 30 minutes…]
Kairi: ‘whew’ all done!... I’m going back to my room now, don’t forget our deal, ’k?[then Kairi goes back to her room]
[few minutes later]
[someone rang the door bell at shin’s room]
Shin: huh? Did she forgot something? [*he meant Kairi][Shin opens the door]…Sakura, did you?...
S’M[Shin’s Mom]: hello Shin! We’re here!!
Seiya: *Sakura??...*
Shin: M..M..Mom??!!!
S’M: won’t you let us in??
Shin: ..uh..yeah….come in…
S’M: your room’s so clean!i love it!!
Shin: ….why are you so early??*didn’t you just call??*… And why did you bring Seiya??![*his twin brother]
Seiya: got a problem with that?
[Shin and Seiya stares at each other trying to pick a fight]
Seiya: I’ll just take a walk for a while..[goes to the park near the apartment]
[after a while, he saw Kairi walking back to the apartment, then he instantly falls in love with kairi, then he’s face blushed all of a sudden]

[at the apartment]
[Seiya rungs the door bell – S’M opens it – Then Seiya enters]
Seiya: ‘sigh’ (I wonder who she is…)
[few minutes later]
[door bell rings]
S’M: do you have another guest?, shin?
Shin: hmm, I don’t think so…
Seiya: I’ll get it…
[opens the door]
Seiya: who is it?...[when he saw that its kairi, his face turns red again]
Kairi: good day…I have heard that Natsume have a guest today, so I thought I’d give you some of my home made dish…
S’M: Oh! That’s very nice of you!...Arigatou gozaimasu!!...^^
Shin: Eh?...Sakura?
Kairi: [looking at shin with a teasing smile and her hand is on a position where she meant “2”]
[meaning shin will carry Kairi’s things in 2 weeks]
Shin: *why you……*
Seiya: [saying his lines very fast and holding kairi’s hand and with heart-shaped eyes] …so you’re Sakura? Can I know your full name? by the way I’m Seiya Natsume, you can call me Seiya, I’m Shin’s twin brother *though I’m more handsome* it’s soooo very nice to meet you!♫♫
Kairi: hoe??...K-kairi..S-Sakura….
Seiya: so can I call you Kairi instead? [still saying it very fast…]
S’M: I HAVE A GREAT IDEA! ♫…Why don’t you join us for lunch?..*though you cooked it* …it’s very rare to see a friend of shin you know…
Kairi: *he’s not my friend…*
Kairi: *why are you calling me by my first name?*
Shin: Mom! shouldn’t force her if she doesn’t want to…
Kairi: Yes..ahm..i-
S’M: [stares at shin threateningly]
Shin: …[can’t fight back anymore..]

[in the end…..the four ate together]

[se] [k]
[sm] [sh]

Kairi: [Looking down with her hands o her Lap]
Shin: [looking at the right side with his chin resting on his right hand]
Seiya: [facing Kairi with his heart-shaped eyes]
S’m: okay guys~~let’s eat!~~
Shin and Kairi: *itta-da-ki-mas’…*
Seiya: ITTADAKIMAS’!!~~♥_♥

[after eating]
Kairi: arigatou!...i’ll go back to my room now, and if you’ll need anything else, my room is just on the other side.
S’M: don’t mention it! We’re the ones who need to thank you…right Shin?
Shin: huh?....uh….yeah..thanks..
[Kairi leaves the room]
Seiya: [returns to normal mode]
S’m: ‘sigh’ …Shin we’ll be going now,………….nice meeting your GIRLFRIEND!hohoho!♫
Shin: whaat?? Se’s NOT my GIRLFRIEND!!she’s just my annoying classmate!..>.< [*aaawwee…he’s blushing….so cute!!!well…on my imagination..^^]
Seiya: girlfriend??that can’t be! She’s my princess!! I don’t believe it!... and she’s even your CLASSMATE?????!!!
Shin: you shouldn’t coz she’s NOT!![still blushing…hihi]
S’M: Seiya, Let’s go!...
Seiya: ok,…but…can I say goodbye to my princess first?
S’m: let’s go Seiya!..[she pulls Seiya while going out of the room]
Seiya: My Princess!...[fading]

[At Kari’s room]
Kairi: A…a…achOooo!...hmm…must be the weather….

[Next day-at the Classroom]
[kairi enters…]
Kairi: Ohayoo…
[then shin comes in next, then, while walking to his sit…..]
Classmate1: hey Natsume! Did you just arrive?
Shin: uh…yeah,…why?
C1: oh nothing, I just thought I saw you a while ago…*your hair looks different though*…maybe I’m just—
[Everybody in the room became stiff, except shin and Kairi]
Whole class: EeeeeeeeHhhhHh!!!!!....
Girl 1: huh? There are 2 Natsumes???♥_♥
Kairi: ‘sigh’
Seiya: huh? [Saw Kairi, then rush of to Kairi and hold her hand..[*again??]]…My princess!!♥
Whole class: [had return to normal mode then became stiff again]
Whole class: EeeeEeeeeHhhHhhhhh!!!PRINCEEEEEEEESSSS???!!
G1,2 & 3: [jaw drop while continuously weeping…T_T][*because they are Shin’s fans they are still affected because Seiya is Shin’s twin brother]
Shin: What are you doing here you idiot?
Seiya: what do you care stupid??!!
Kairi: [takes her sit, ignoring Shin and Seiya] ‘sigh’
[school bell rings[*the class is about to start]]
[sudden silence]
Seiya: [saying it in a very dramatic way] oh my princess!...this is truly very sad, our hearts will again….be separated..T_T…. I’ll be back my princess….[fading, while exiting the classroom]
Kairi: ‘sigh’ (I’m glad that’s over..)
Shin: tsk..[looking at the window]

[Lunch time]
[Kairi looking at every direction then pulls Suzuka and Meiko up to the rooftop very fast]
Kairi: let’s eat here…
[while eating]
Suzuka: Why did you choose to eat here Kairi?
Kairi: uh…well…that’s because…. I don’t want him to follow us…
Suzuka: him?
Meiko: the other natsume?
Kairi: yes, I don’t think I can eat with him around…
Suzuka: Why?
Meiko: Because he will not stop staring at you until you’re done eating?
Kairi: exact-- …how did you know that Meiko?
Meiko: [pointing at Seiya]
Kari: [slowly looks at her left] . . . hOoEee!!...
Shin: yo! Will you shut up clumsy?...[he was sleeping at the rooftop before Kairi arrives]
Kairi: [irritated..]
Suzuka; oh, its natsume…
Seiya: how dare you say such absurd words to my princess??!
Kairi: [pissed and irritated…]
Shin: because she IS!...
[Shin and Seiya are arguing and throwing words against each other]
Kairi: [very pissed and irritated,.. and fiercely mad][*She’s like in super saiyan mode..^^]
[Shin and Seiya saw Kairi very angry then became stiff]
Seiya: oh my princess!!’re still beautiful even when you’re angry!
[then Kairi punch them making Seiya fly-out][*just like when the team rocket looses to ash flying out to nowhere]
Suzuka: bye-bye Seiya[waving to Seiya]
Meiko: Ba-ka…
Seiya: My princess….[fading]
[*only Seiya flies-out, shin hid at the back of the door]
Shin: [sweat-drop effect](I should be more careful before making her mad)

[Class ends – Dismissal]
[While Kairi, Suzuka, and Meiko walks out the school]
Suzu: eh?..
Meiko: why did you stop Meiko?
Suzu: look…
Meiko; huh?.. [saw Shin standing outside the school like he’s waiting for someone] Natsume??...
[Meiko looks at Kairi]
Meiko: …don’t tell me…
Kairi: hihi... Let’s just say we’ve had a little negotiation..^^, Well then, bye guys,.. see you tomorrow!..
Suzuka & Meiko: bye!..
Shin: what took you so long?..[Meiko and Suzu watching Shin and Kairi from afar arguing again..]

[end of chap 3 - twin trouble]

…Before proceeding to the next chapter…here are some additional Japanese lessons for you:
Arigatou – means “thank you” [*add gozaimasu for formality]
Ittadakimasu (pronounced as ittadakimas) – Let’s eat [well at least I think that’s what it means…heehee]Baka – means “idiot” or “stupid” in Japanese

1 comment:

  1. ahahahaha,,nc!!
    mei angking talento..whihi,,xD

    typo err check,,
    after eating,,Shin: whaat?? ""Se’s"" NOT my GIRLFRIEND!!she’s just my annoying

    hehe,,nc nc,,reccommend/recommend, ko toh,,

    vvn,,anonymous daw..haha
