Thursday, October 23, 2008

[chap 5] Unexpected Visitor

Chapter 5

[At the school]

Kairi: ohayo gozaimas’!
Meiko: ohayo..
Suzuka: ohayo kairi!..
[Shin enters the classroom and goes to his seat]
Suzuka: ohayo Natsume!
[Kairi looks at Shin]
Shin: ..uh..*yo!* [Shin accidentally looks back at Kairi]
[then they both remembered the incident yesterday, then they blushed and immediately looks back at the other direction]
Suzuka: eh??...
Meiko: hmm…
[school bell rings – class starts]

[Lunch time]
Suzuka: that’s odd…
Meiko: what is?
Suzuka: Seiya didn’t go look for Kairi today just when Kairi’s not wearing her glasses….
Kairi: maybe he had already given up on me…
Suzuka: hmm… maybe… but still…
[Seiya is just looking at Kairi from afar with a serious face]

[class hours…]
[Shin is sleeping again; Kairi is taking down notes]
[Seiya [*on different classroom] is lost in his thought still thinking about the incident[*and about Kairi??...^^P]

[Class Ends]
[Kairi, walking home, passing the pedestrian lane, saw Seiya waiting on the other side of the road]
Kairi: Sei…ya…
Seiya: Can i??... talk to you?

[Kairi and Seiya are sitting in a bench at the park]
Kairi: is there something wrong? Are you ok? Sei—
Seiya: Kairi… I think – I’m – in love --- with you…
Kairi: huh? But isn’t it?
Seiya: I’m not really the person as you see me everyday, actually I only act like that because I want to know what you are to Shin…* and I think I’ve found out…*
Kairi: Shin? Does he have something to do with this??.. i…
Seiya: but I guess I fell on my on trap…
Kairi: I .. I don’t know what to say…
Seiya: that’s ok. You don’t have to. I just want you to listen, and that’s enough..[smiling]
Kairi: *Seiya*
Seiya: and..uhm..Kairi?
Kairi: yes?
Seiya: can I ask a favor?
Kairi: ahm..sure, what is it?
Seiya: can I have dinner with you tonight?
Kairi: sure!
Seiya: really? Thank you Kairi!... I really love the taste of your cooking!
Kairi: hmm.. it looks like it would be a clear sky tonight… is it ok if we eat at the apartment’s rooftop?
Seiya: Sure, anywhere is fine with me…^^

[At the apartment’s rooftop, there’s a table for two that is nicely set]
[Seiya is waiting for Kairi]
Kairi: I’m here!
Seiya: well then,.. let’s eat!
[Kairi and Seiya talk different things about each other while they were eating]
[After a while, Kairi walks near the edge of the rooftop gazing at the sky full of stars]
Kairi: the sky is really beautiful especially when it’s full of stars…
[Seiya is just looking at Kairi’s face]
Kairi: don’t you think so too Seiya? [smiling]
Seiya: ..huh.. ah.. yeah..[smiles back]

[Next morning]
[Kairi saw a letter inserted below her door, then she picked it up and read it]
[the letter says:…]

Thank you for the dinner last night. Just as I expected, it was very delicious!! I just want to tell you that I’ve decided to go back home for a while.
Tell shin, ‘I won’t lose to him.’…

Who’s the weird girl with glasses?? Is she your friend??..oh..well



[*Seiya really doesn’t recognize Kairi when she’s wearing her glasses]
Kairi: *..haha*..goodbye, Seiya…
[then Kairi goes out her room, coincidentally Shin just goes out his room too.. then they walk to school together]
[while walking]
Kairi: so,.. is Seiya really going back home?
Shin: yeah
Kairi: why? It’s so sudden?
Shin: I’m not sure, but he said there are things he should settle.
Kairi: ahh,..i see..

[school - Kairi's Classroom]
Meiko: so, Seiya goes back home this morning?
Kairi: yup, he left a note under my door.
Suzuka:'ll be lonely not seing him around, especially when he's shouting "my princess!my princess" everywhere,heehee
Meiko: haha.. right!
Kairi: [had a flash back of when Seiya confessed to Kairi [*chapter 4]]
[Kairi is currently los tin his thoughts and didn't hear what Suzuka and Meiko was saying]
Suzuka: Kairi.. Kairi.. hey Kairi! are you listening??
Kairi: [back to reality...] huh? oh, sorry guys, something just passed my mind, hehe..

[After Class]
[Rain starts to fall]
Suzuka: awwe.. it's raining!..
Kairi: hmm, you're right..
Suzuka: 'sigh' i forgot to bring my umbrella
Meiko: then, let's share my umbrella, anyways we have same paths to our houses
Suzuka: really??thanks Meiko!^^
Meiko: how about you Kairi?
Kairi: hmm, I'm ok. i brought my umbrella, also I have to finish some papers
Meiko: it must be tough to be a class rep
Suzuka: but for sure Kairi really fit being a class rep coz' she's always top on our class
Kairi: I'm not that good you know...
Meiko: well then, we'll be going now, bye Kairi
Kairi: bye. [then she went to the library to finish her work]
[Shin is still in school because he lost the book he's reading[*it's not an academic book...-_-] ,he is looking everywhere then he remembered that he left it in the library]
Shin:oh crap! i hope no one sees it, argh i'm so stupid..[talking to himself]
Kairi: huh? [found a small book that is left on the table where she is seating, and when she openned it..]eew, it's full of XXX, for sure a guy owns this..he even disguise it with a different cover
[when Shin arrives the library, he saw that Kairi is holding his book]
Shin: (oh crap!)
Kairi: Shin?.. don't tell me...
Shin: huh?!.. No!that's not mine..why would i read that kind of things...
Kairi: i'm not saying anything yet, and how did you know that this book has such things??! it has a different cover..
Shin: ..ah..well..that's..
Kairi: pervert! [then throws the book at Shin]

***other scene***
[A car stops by a park, a guy is driving it]
[Apartment’s telephone ringing…][SFX: ring]
Aunt: Hello? Akizuki’s Apartment, how may I help you?
Guy: ahm,.. Hello… [*I didn’t revealed the guy’s name in this chapter]
Aunt: oh it’s you! How are you?
Guy: I’m fine. I just called to tell you that I’ll visit the apartment today, I’ll be staying for a week or two]
Aunt: really? That’s great! I should tell Kairi..
Guy: ahm.. pls. don’t tell Kairi yet, I want to surprise her…[the guy then disconnects the call [he’s using a cellphone]]

[chap 4] Fell On His Own Trap

Chapter 4

[next day]
[Kairi is preparing to go to school]

[School – classroom]
[Seiya running fast in the corridors to Kairi’s Classroom]
Seiya: my princess!!...
[When Seiya have reached the classroom]
Seiya: where’s my princess??...[looking at every direction]
Kairi: [sweat-drop effect][standing in front of Seiya]
Seiya: hey you!..have you seen my princess??[talking to Kairi, he doesn’t recognize her because she’s wearing her eyeglasses]
Kairi: *is this guy stupid or what??*
Meiko: I think he’s stupid…
Meiko: Ohayo..
Kairi: Ohayo..
Suzuka: ohayo gozaimas’ Kairi, Meiko!... eh?why is Seiya here?
Meiko: he’s looking for Kairi…
Suzu: huh?but Kairi’s just here…
Kairi: ‘sigh’ [removes her glasses]
Seiya: oh? You’re just there my princess… where have you been???
[Kairi puts on her glasses again]
Seiya: hey! Why are you there? Where’s my princess???
[school bell rings]
Seiya: awwee,..i didn’t even see my princess [ walks out the classroom with a gloomy face]
Kairi: [sweat-drop effect](well at least I already know how to keep him away from me…)
Shin: tsk!..baka… [then takes his seat]
Kairi: ho-e??.. [looks back then takes her seat]

[during class hours]
Sensei: Mr. Natsume!..
Shin: [sleeping…] Zz..
Sensei: MR. NATSUME!
Kairi: *psst!...Natsume, the teacher’s calling you!..*
Shin: uh…huh?...what?..
Sensei: Mr. Natsume! It seems that your not paying attention to our lesson, will you please answer the equation on the board…[math problem…]
Shin: ‘yaaawn’ [stands, then goes to the board, answered the question fast, then goes back to his seat and sleeps again]
[The whole class and the teacher became stiff with matching jaw-drop effect looking at Shin][*except Kairi]

[end of class]
[Kairi, Meiko and Suzuka walking out the School]
Seiya: hey wait you three!..
[the three looks back and saw Seiya]
Meiko: what do you want?
Seiya: have you seen my princess?
Kairi: Sei—
Seiya: shut up! I’m not talking to you! ..[talking to Kairi] ..hey you two, why are you with this weird girl?!! Where’s my princess??
Kairi: eh??...weird?!!! [removes her glasses]
Seiya: oh my princes! I’ve found you! ♥_♥
[Kairi puts on her glasses again]
Seiya: eh?.. where’s my princess again??...
Meiko: [pointing at other direction]
[then Seiya runs to where Meiko points and ask everyone he runs into]
Seiya: did you see my princess? You, did you saw her?..[fading]
Meiko, Suzuka & Kairi: ‘SIGH’

[at the apartment]
Kairi: I’m here!
Aunt: oh, Kairi is that you? [shouting from the kitchen]
Kairi: Yes auntie!...
Aunt: ahm, will you run to the grocery store? There’s something I forgot to buy a while ago,.. and I just can’t leave because I’m cooking…
Kairi: Sure auntie.. wait I’ll just put down my things…[including her glasses]
Auntie: ok, thanks Kairi!..

[At the grocery store][*most scenes do not have dialogues so this part may seem full of narrations]
[Kairi looking for what she needs to buy then pays at the counter. While she was paying, Seiya was passing by the grocery store and he saw Kairi from the outside [*the walls are made of glass panels]. Seiya just follow Kairi’s movements with his eyes. When Kairi goes out the grocery store, Seiya followed her secretly. While Kairi was crossing the pedestrian lane, the goods that she had bought fell out of the plastic bag and when she is about to pick it up she didn’t notice that the “do not walk” sign is on and a truck[*the driver’s drunk] is coming her way. Shin, passing on the other side [*imagine that the grocery store is at the corner of the road] saw Kairi and also saw the truck that was coming, so he runs fast towards Kairi and push her at the side of the road, they both fell and is in awkward position [*Shin was on top of Kairi, **don’t make a greener idea, got it?]]

Shin: you ok?
Kairi: ah,..yeah..
[then they suddenly realize that they’re in awkward position, they immediately stood up, blushing! And then Kairi saw the goods she bought was hit by the truck]
Kairi: oh no..
Shin: tsk! Forget about that! [then Shin pulls Kairi, holding her hand, then goes back to the grocery store]
[then, the two went back to the apartment together; Shin is holding the goods, and Kairi is carrying Shin’s bag]
Kairi:[looks at Shin then smiles]

[As for Seiya, when he is about to save Kairi, he already saw Shin coming for her, after that He became spaced out and just walked out and sat at a bench at the park thinking deeply [*I’m not sure what he’s thinking though]

[at the apartment]
[When Shin and Kairi was about to enter their rooms]
Shin: aw!
Kairi: what’s the matter? Is something wrong?Shin: No. it’s nothing.
[Kairi saw that Shin is having a hard time to move his left knee]
Kairi: let me see it.
Shin: I said it’s nothing!
[Shin just kept silent and Kairi looks at Shin’s left knee]
[Kairi got shocked because she saw that Shin’s knee was bleeding]
[*flash back of the incident]
Kairi: oh my God! Is this from the accident??[*duh..]
Shin: it’s nothing. It’s just a scratch…
Kairi: BA-KA! How could you say that it’s just a scratch if it’s bleeding!!... wait for me I’ll just get the first aid kit.
Shin: wait Kai- [he didn’t finish talking because Kairi is no already there]
[At Shin’s room; Shin is sitting at the sofa; Kairi is sitting at a small chair fixing Shin’s injury][*Shins left foot is on Kairi’s lap]
Shin: you don’t need to do that, it’s not that bad…[slightly blushing]
Kairi: No, I insist, it’s my fault, it’s my responsibility!
Shin: you’re right…
Kairi: [nods her head]
Shin: it is your fault.
Kairi: right!...
Shin: because you’re clumsy.
Kairi: Absolutely correct!!—eh?!!
[then Kairi removes Shin’s injured foot on her lap]
Shin: AW!... I’m injured y’know!
Kairi: what did you say??!!hmph! I’ll go back to my room! [slightly blushing][After Kairi goes out, Shin just smiles; Kairi is also smiling outside Shin’s room]

[end of chapter 4]

[chap 3] Twin Trouble

Chapter 3


[Shin is talking to someone on the phone]
Shin: whaAat??WHY?you can’t!!
Shin’s mom: I’ll come today and that’s FINAL!
[puts down the phone]


Shin: wAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAHh!!!!!!!!![running around his room panicking]
[Kairi heard the noise at the next room]
Kairi: huh?isn’t that Natsume’s room? What’s all the fuss about?? Hmm,maybe I should check.
[Kairi rangs the doorbell of shin’s room]
Kairi: [shouting outside] hey natsume! What’s with the noise?!
Shin: *its Sakura!*[opens the door and pulls Kairi in immediately]
Kairi: wha-?what are you doing??are you crazy???
Shin: I need your help!
Kairi: why are you panicking??...*your room’s a mess!*…
Shin: ahhm..well, that’s exactly the problem… my mom’s coming today and she can’t see my room like this!*she’ll turn into a monster!!!8[having a flash back when his mother is burning with anger when she sees Shin’s room very messy[*the time when he still lives with his mom]]
Kairi: then why don’t you clean it??
Shin: that’s why I’m asking for your help! I can’t do this alone you know! And my mom I coming before lunch.
Kairi: hhmm,..ok.. but nothings free y’know, I’m the class rep and I got a lot of things to do, and things to bring, sooo…..
Shin: alright! Alright! I’ll carry them for 1 week!sheez…
[after 1 hour and 30 minutes…]
Kairi: ‘whew’ all done!... I’m going back to my room now, don’t forget our deal, ’k?[then Kairi goes back to her room]
[few minutes later]
[someone rang the door bell at shin’s room]
Shin: huh? Did she forgot something? [*he meant Kairi][Shin opens the door]…Sakura, did you?...
S’M[Shin’s Mom]: hello Shin! We’re here!!
Seiya: *Sakura??...*
Shin: M..M..Mom??!!!
S’M: won’t you let us in??
Shin: ..uh..yeah….come in…
S’M: your room’s so clean!i love it!!
Shin: ….why are you so early??*didn’t you just call??*… And why did you bring Seiya??![*his twin brother]
Seiya: got a problem with that?
[Shin and Seiya stares at each other trying to pick a fight]
Seiya: I’ll just take a walk for a while..[goes to the park near the apartment]
[after a while, he saw Kairi walking back to the apartment, then he instantly falls in love with kairi, then he’s face blushed all of a sudden]

[at the apartment]
[Seiya rungs the door bell – S’M opens it – Then Seiya enters]
Seiya: ‘sigh’ (I wonder who she is…)
[few minutes later]
[door bell rings]
S’M: do you have another guest?, shin?
Shin: hmm, I don’t think so…
Seiya: I’ll get it…
[opens the door]
Seiya: who is it?...[when he saw that its kairi, his face turns red again]
Kairi: good day…I have heard that Natsume have a guest today, so I thought I’d give you some of my home made dish…
S’M: Oh! That’s very nice of you!...Arigatou gozaimasu!!...^^
Shin: Eh?...Sakura?
Kairi: [looking at shin with a teasing smile and her hand is on a position where she meant “2”]
[meaning shin will carry Kairi’s things in 2 weeks]
Shin: *why you……*
Seiya: [saying his lines very fast and holding kairi’s hand and with heart-shaped eyes] …so you’re Sakura? Can I know your full name? by the way I’m Seiya Natsume, you can call me Seiya, I’m Shin’s twin brother *though I’m more handsome* it’s soooo very nice to meet you!♫♫
Kairi: hoe??...K-kairi..S-Sakura….
Seiya: so can I call you Kairi instead? [still saying it very fast…]
S’M: I HAVE A GREAT IDEA! ♫…Why don’t you join us for lunch?..*though you cooked it* …it’s very rare to see a friend of shin you know…
Kairi: *he’s not my friend…*
Kairi: *why are you calling me by my first name?*
Shin: Mom! shouldn’t force her if she doesn’t want to…
Kairi: Yes..ahm..i-
S’M: [stares at shin threateningly]
Shin: …[can’t fight back anymore..]

[in the end…..the four ate together]

[se] [k]
[sm] [sh]

Kairi: [Looking down with her hands o her Lap]
Shin: [looking at the right side with his chin resting on his right hand]
Seiya: [facing Kairi with his heart-shaped eyes]
S’m: okay guys~~let’s eat!~~
Shin and Kairi: *itta-da-ki-mas’…*
Seiya: ITTADAKIMAS’!!~~♥_♥

[after eating]
Kairi: arigatou!...i’ll go back to my room now, and if you’ll need anything else, my room is just on the other side.
S’M: don’t mention it! We’re the ones who need to thank you…right Shin?
Shin: huh?....uh….yeah..thanks..
[Kairi leaves the room]
Seiya: [returns to normal mode]
S’m: ‘sigh’ …Shin we’ll be going now,………….nice meeting your GIRLFRIEND!hohoho!♫
Shin: whaat?? Se’s NOT my GIRLFRIEND!!she’s just my annoying classmate!..>.< [*aaawwee…he’s blushing….so cute!!!well…on my imagination..^^]
Seiya: girlfriend??that can’t be! She’s my princess!! I don’t believe it!... and she’s even your CLASSMATE?????!!!
Shin: you shouldn’t coz she’s NOT!![still blushing…hihi]
S’M: Seiya, Let’s go!...
Seiya: ok,…but…can I say goodbye to my princess first?
S’m: let’s go Seiya!..[she pulls Seiya while going out of the room]
Seiya: My Princess!...[fading]

[At Kari’s room]
Kairi: A…a…achOooo!...hmm…must be the weather….

[Next day-at the Classroom]
[kairi enters…]
Kairi: Ohayoo…
[then shin comes in next, then, while walking to his sit…..]
Classmate1: hey Natsume! Did you just arrive?
Shin: uh…yeah,…why?
C1: oh nothing, I just thought I saw you a while ago…*your hair looks different though*…maybe I’m just—
[Everybody in the room became stiff, except shin and Kairi]
Whole class: EeeeeeeeHhhhHh!!!!!....
Girl 1: huh? There are 2 Natsumes???♥_♥
Kairi: ‘sigh’
Seiya: huh? [Saw Kairi, then rush of to Kairi and hold her hand..[*again??]]…My princess!!♥
Whole class: [had return to normal mode then became stiff again]
Whole class: EeeeEeeeeHhhHhhhhh!!!PRINCEEEEEEEESSSS???!!
G1,2 & 3: [jaw drop while continuously weeping…T_T][*because they are Shin’s fans they are still affected because Seiya is Shin’s twin brother]
Shin: What are you doing here you idiot?
Seiya: what do you care stupid??!!
Kairi: [takes her sit, ignoring Shin and Seiya] ‘sigh’
[school bell rings[*the class is about to start]]
[sudden silence]
Seiya: [saying it in a very dramatic way] oh my princess!...this is truly very sad, our hearts will again….be separated..T_T…. I’ll be back my princess….[fading, while exiting the classroom]
Kairi: ‘sigh’ (I’m glad that’s over..)
Shin: tsk..[looking at the window]

[Lunch time]
[Kairi looking at every direction then pulls Suzuka and Meiko up to the rooftop very fast]
Kairi: let’s eat here…
[while eating]
Suzuka: Why did you choose to eat here Kairi?
Kairi: uh…well…that’s because…. I don’t want him to follow us…
Suzuka: him?
Meiko: the other natsume?
Kairi: yes, I don’t think I can eat with him around…
Suzuka: Why?
Meiko: Because he will not stop staring at you until you’re done eating?
Kairi: exact-- …how did you know that Meiko?
Meiko: [pointing at Seiya]
Kari: [slowly looks at her left] . . . hOoEee!!...
Shin: yo! Will you shut up clumsy?...[he was sleeping at the rooftop before Kairi arrives]
Kairi: [irritated..]
Suzuka; oh, its natsume…
Seiya: how dare you say such absurd words to my princess??!
Kairi: [pissed and irritated…]
Shin: because she IS!...
[Shin and Seiya are arguing and throwing words against each other]
Kairi: [very pissed and irritated,.. and fiercely mad][*She’s like in super saiyan mode..^^]
[Shin and Seiya saw Kairi very angry then became stiff]
Seiya: oh my princess!!’re still beautiful even when you’re angry!
[then Kairi punch them making Seiya fly-out][*just like when the team rocket looses to ash flying out to nowhere]
Suzuka: bye-bye Seiya[waving to Seiya]
Meiko: Ba-ka…
Seiya: My princess….[fading]
[*only Seiya flies-out, shin hid at the back of the door]
Shin: [sweat-drop effect](I should be more careful before making her mad)

[Class ends – Dismissal]
[While Kairi, Suzuka, and Meiko walks out the school]
Suzu: eh?..
Meiko: why did you stop Meiko?
Suzu: look…
Meiko; huh?.. [saw Shin standing outside the school like he’s waiting for someone] Natsume??...
[Meiko looks at Kairi]
Meiko: …don’t tell me…
Kairi: hihi... Let’s just say we’ve had a little negotiation..^^, Well then, bye guys,.. see you tomorrow!..
Suzuka & Meiko: bye!..
Shin: what took you so long?..[Meiko and Suzu watching Shin and Kairi from afar arguing again..]

[end of chap 3 - twin trouble]

…Before proceeding to the next chapter…here are some additional Japanese lessons for you:
Arigatou – means “thank you” [*add gozaimasu for formality]
Ittadakimasu (pronounced as ittadakimas) – Let’s eat [well at least I think that’s what it means…heehee]Baka – means “idiot” or “stupid” in Japanese

[chap 2] The Beginning

Chapter 2

[Classroom-Dismissal [*yes! already!]]

Meiko: Are you going home kairi?
Kairi: yes, why?
Meiko: nothing, I just asked…
[Suzuka looking out the window saw Shin standing outside the school]
Suzuka: hmm,..Look guys, isn’t that Natsume?
Meiko: it is him, is he waiting for someone?...
Kairi: oh, I can see he’s really going to do it…
Meiko & Suzu: Do what??
Kairi: Bring my stuffs [*bag, and other things]
[preparing her things..]
Meiko & Suzu: whaAt?!!
Kairi: it’s not a big deal y’know…
Suzu: Why not?
[walking out the school]
Kairi: because…
Meiko: because?...
Kairi: hmm,..wait, is any Shin’s fan here?
Suzu: Nope, why did you ask?
Kairi: Ok good, I’ll tell you guys the truth but you shouldn’t tell this to anyone.
Maiko: truth?
Kairi: ‘sigh’ *here it goes*… Shin is living in the apartment my aunt owned.
Meiko: you live there too right?
Kairi: yup.
Suzu: No way! If any shin’s fans knew about this they’ll freak out!!
Kairi: you’re right, that’s why you should keep this a secret.
Meiko: ok, you can trust us with that.
Suzu: yes, it’s a promise! [Smiling]
Kairi: thanks guys..
Meiko: But why should he bring your stuffs?? Isn’t that you can’t get along with each other??
Kairi: you’re right, we really can’t get along, but the other day, my aunt ask me to bring him food in his room because she says he only eat instant noodles everyday, so when I gave it to him, he didn’t expect it to be so hot[*so dumb] so it slips out in his hands and broke my bowl, he said he’ll make-up for it so you see…that’s what happened…
Meiko: you’re mean, you’re taking advantage of his weakness
Kairi: I’m not that bad, he’s the one who offers to do it.
Shin: hey Sakura!! Do you even have plan to go home???
Kairi: I’m coming!..*he’s so hot headed* bye guys!
Meiko: bye.
Suzu: bye kairi!...
Meiko: but you know, those two doesn’t look so bad together right?
Suzu: yup!!

[Shin and Kairi walking home when kairi saw a kid crying at the playground]

Kairi: ahm, Natsume…?
Shin: what?
Kairi: Can we stop here for a while?
Shin: sure, why?
Kairi: [runs off to the kid] shiiiiiiin!!shinzu!!!~
Shinzu: [crying] eh..?[saw kairi] Mama?...Mama!
Shin: mama?..
Kairi: Are you alright Shinzu? what happened?
Shinzu: ‘sniff’ Ma.. ‘sniff’ ma…[pointing at his knee]
Kairi: oh, you got hurt…[gets a band-aid and puts on Shinzu’s knee..] there, there, it’ll be alright soon..[Carries Shinzu]
Shin: shall we?...
Kairi: yes, thanks for waiting…
[While walking, Shinzu eventually fell asleep]
[Kairi looks at Shinzu very caringly]
Shin: [Looks at Kairi] *haha…*
Kairi: huh?...[looks at Shin]
[Shin looks at other direction]
[stops at Shinzu’s house]
Grandfather: thanks for bringing Shinzu home, you’re always a big help Kairi!..’Cough, cough’
Kairi: are you ok??...its nothing, I’ll do anything for Shinzu…
Grandfather: thank you…
Kairi: we’ll be going now…
Grandfather: goodbye…

[Shin and Kairi walking home]
Kairi: Shinzu is a very nice kid, I met him at the park just like what happened a while ago, I like him a lot he’s like a brother to me. He’s parents died in a plane crash while he was with his grandfather, just like when I was abandoned.
Shin: abandoned?
Kairi: my mom left me and my dad for another man, since then we haven’t seen her, then 4 years later, my father died from an illness… that’s why I live with my auntie now though we’re not blood related she’s really kind to me…^^[teary eyes then smiled…]
Shin: …[just kept silent and looking at kairi…]
Kairi: oh, we’re here!

[at the apartment…shin and kairi is already in their rooms…then kairi goes out and knocks at shin’s room]
Shin:[opens the door] what is it?
Kairi: here.
Shin: what’s this?Kairi: food! Dummy!
Shin: I know what it is! What I mean is, why are you giving me this?
Kairi: well, I just want to thank you for helping me with Shinzu a while ago and for listening to my foolish story…
Shin: ahh,..
Kairi: [smiles]
Shin: [blushes a little] thanks [then closes the door]
Kairi: [smiled again]

[next day!-Saturday!!!!]
[at the park]
Suzu: kairiiii!!!
Kairi: [waves at Suzu and Meiko]
Meiko: sorry we’re late.
Kairi: that’s ok I’ve just arrived too…so, shall we?
Suzu & Meiko: ok!
[the girls shop around…then Suzuka saw the gift shop,[*the one they mentioned to kairi last time]]
Suzu: Kairi, Meiko, look, it’s the gift shop!
Kairi: oh, is that what you’re telling me about last time?
Suzu: yup!
Meiko: do you want to take a look inside
Kairi: sure!
[then kairi saw a teddy bear with angel wings]
Suzu: wow!! It’s soOo cute!!
Kairi: I’m thinking of buying it for Shinzu’s birthday
Meiko: then buy it. I’m sure he’d like it…
[then kairi bought the teddy bear]
[then the three decided to go home…[*well, there’s nothing left to do]
Kairi: bye guys!... see you at class…
Meiko: bye.
Suzu: bye-bye kai!!

[at the apartment]
[kairi enters and shin is about to go out]
Kairi: where are you going?
Shin: hmm…out of noodles…
Kairi: ahh..hmm…wait.
Shin: what?
Kairi: why don’t you eat with us today? We eat together during Saturdays…
[Kairi’s Aunt coincidentally heard their conversation]
Aunt: yes, why don’t you join us tonight?
Shin: thanks but I don’t think its necessary
Aunt: its ok, I don’t mind…in fact, the more the merrier, isn’t it? Or, you do mind??
Shin: its not that, but-
Aunt: then its settled!
Aunt: see at dinner Natsume!..
[kairi is the one who prepared the dinner, she accidentally cooked shin’s favorite food]
Aunt: Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!,..let’s eat!Shin: ok!..
[at the table]
Shin: [looks at the food-stares at it-then-…3…2…1…blushed!]
Kairi: is there something wrong?
Shin: huh??...nothing…
[after eating]
Shin: thanks for the food.
Aunt: no problem, come and join us anytime…
Kairi: there are so many excess, hmmm… I think I miss calculated,..tsk, such a waste…
Shin: ahmm…[blushing and can’t look at Kairi directly] could I…
Kairi: what?
Shin: could I…
Kairi: could you what?
Shin: could I take the excess instead?
Aunt: sure! Wait I’ll get something you could use to place that…
Kairi: [staring at shin while smiling]
Shin: what??its not that I love it or anything!!..i just don’t want it to be wasted!!
Kairi: ok, if you say so…hihi!..^^
Shin: hey! What’s that “hihi” for?!
Kairi: nothing…[smiling]

[chap 1] Her wish...

[*unlike Japanese names first name comes first before their surnames though I did use Japanese names...^^P
Also I didn’t detail the emotions and stuffs so if you insist on reading it… I suggest you to use your imagination for a while, for the setting, actions, emotions and characters image. But if you’re not the imaginative type of person, ahmm...well...just wait for the ‘manga’ version…I’m not sure if I can do it though...I repeat…I’m NOT sure!!
And also…what?? I’m explaining it thoroughly you know…^^p, if you happen to find some Japanese words and don’t know what it means… don’t worry coz’ I’ll explain it at the end or at the middle of the chapter…
And… I’m not that good in Japanese so I may have misspelled or misused some words so.. I apologize in advance….and I’m not that good in English either.
And most important of all……DON’T SKIP!.. pleaaaasssse!^^P]

[] – narration
[*] – Explanation/my comments..
( ) – the character’s thoughts
* * - the character is whispering or saying it in a low voice
‘ ‘ – the character’s reaction/sSFX – sound effects

Chapter 1

[A teenage girl walking along a crowded market place gets bumped into a rushing kid. She didn’t notice that her necklace fell off her neck. Coincidentally, a guy found her necklace. While walking a little farther from the market, she then notice that her necklace was lost, then she rushed off to the market hoping she would find it [*spaced out, teary eyes and having a flash back about the time when it was given to her] then while running she gets bumped again…

Kairi: oh!...i’m sorry I didn’t-
Shin: tsk! What a clumsy girl..
Kairi: whaaat??!!! I said sorry already!! and who are you calling clu-
Shin: [continued walking]
Kairi: huh?!...[saw shin ignoring her]..argh! I wish not to see that guy in the future!!...
!!!...(my necklace)..[then she remembered when she bump into a kid, then she rushed of to the place they bump but she failed to find her necklace]

[at the apartment,[*evening] Kairi is at the apartment’s rooftop looking at the sky then she saw a “nagareboshi”…^^]
Kairi: a nagareboshi… (I wish I could find my necklace soon…)

[Next m0rning!..1st day of class…Monday]
[at the classroom]
[girls in class…]
G1: hey look! It’s the new guy!
G2: kawaiiii!!!
G3: I wonder what’s his name…^^
[kairi enters the room with a gloomy face]
Suzuka & Meiko: Ohayo kairi!...
Kairi: ohayo…
Suzuka: is anything wrong kairi? you don’t seem so alive today..
Kairi: ‘sigh’ its not that much, its just that I lost my necklace yesterday.
Meiko: the one your father gave you?
Kairi: yes…
Suzuka: did you look to the place where you lost it?
Kairi: yup, I even bump on a weird guy! He’s about this tall [her hand above her head, meaning he’s taller than her], with head phones and a li’l cute too…but…is very ARROGANT!!
Meiko: does he look like that one??[points at shin]
Kairi: [looks at shin] hmm,..well he kinda looks like hi-… waAhHH!!THAT’S HIM!! THAT JERK!! WHY IS THAT JERK HERE??!!!!
Meiko: *yup, I thought so..*
Suzuka: I think it’s the transferee, he’s quite popular, almost every girl in our class like him already…
[girls in class – looking at shin with heart-shaped eyes]
Meiko: actually..even other class,look..[points at the door full of girls of other class..(,,^_^,,)
Kairi: B..B..But why??why????
Suzuka: why he transferred here??hmm,..come to think of it-
Kairi: no!
Suzuka: eh?...
Kairi: I mean WHY does he have to be in our class??MY class???and at the back of MY seat??!!!
Meiko: well,let’s see…because that’s the only chair available??
Kairi: [pissed..>.<]
Meiko: ahm, I think you should calm down for a while the teacher’s here.
Sensei: Ohayo minna-san!
Whole Class: Ohayo gozaimas’ sensei!
[The whole class takes their seats and Kairi is staring at shin angrily[*is that the right term]]
[Lunch time]
[Almost everyone eats their lunch at the classroom]
[Girls in class}
G1: Kairi you’re so lucky you’re sitting in front of shin!!♥
G2: We’re so jealous of you…♥
Kairi: *hmph! What’s so lucky about that?? I’m sitting near a jerk!!*
G1,2, & 3: [ whispering with each other]
G1: ALRIGHT!! Ready girls??
G1,2,&3: PRINCE SHIN’S FANS CLUB!!..ON-SET!![on different posture and with a large banner—“prince shin’s fans club”]
[all girls line-up to join..@_@]
Kairi, Meiko & Suzuka: ‘sigh’…
[Kairi walk outs the room]
Suzuka: eh..?Kairi? where are you going??
Kairi: rooftop.
Meiko: you really like the rooftop huh?..
Kairi: yup!^_~


Kairi: it’s really great up here! So quiet, the air feels good and-
Shin: hey! Will you keep down a little?! I’m trying to sleep here you know!...
Kairi: hoe?..[Looks back and saw shin lying] y-you again??! What are you doing here?
Shin: I don’t repeat what I already said
Kairi: *why do I keep seeing him even in my favorite place?? ‘sigh’ never mind I don’t want to spoil my day because of him* [Kairi went near the edge of the rooftop – then the wind blew – then shin accidentally looked at Kairi [*in a very nice angle…^^] then he unconsciously blushed – then he cover himself with his comic book – eventually, he fell asleep…]

[Few minutes later…school bell rungs [*meaning lunch time is over]]

Kairi: (I should get back to the classroom)
[Kairi calls out Shin]
Kairi: hey Natsume! The class is about to start.
Shin: [still sleeping with the comic book on his face]
Kairi: [removes the comic book in his face and shouts at him] Oi! NATSUME!!!
Shin: [wakes up and saw Kairi’s face in a very close range] why DO you need to shout at me like that?!!! [Blushing and slightly angry]
Kairi: [shouts back at shin] because you are such a SLEEPY HEAD THAT’S WHY!!!!
Kairi: *c-c-clumsiness??!!* [turns back and walks out] hmph! Whatever!! I’ll just go back to the classroom!!
Shin: fine.
Kairi: FINE!

[Class ends-5pm-classroom]

G1: Aawweee…I wonder why didn’t the prince attend the afternoon class..
G2: yeah...i wanted to see him so much!!!
Meiko: hey Kairi! Suzuka and I will be going home now, what about you?
Kairi: you go ahead, I still have some grocery shopping to do.

[Meanwhile, at the rooftop]

Shin: [wakes up] huh??...looks like everybody’s going home already.. oh yeah, I still need to buy food since I just rent a new apartment, I better hurry before it closes.

[Grocery shop]
[Kairi enters then goes to the meat and vegetable area; shin enters and went to the instant foods area]
*Kairi: hmm, let’s see…what should be the menu for today?
*Shin: hmm, how many noodles should I buy?
[*the asteris(*) before their name means they’re saying it at the same time]
*Kairi: I think this will do…
*Shin: I think this is about enough…
[Kairi and Shin walks to the paying counter but Shin saw the drinks area and went back]
Shin: maybe I should buy drinks to…
[Kairi pays at the counter then goes out; few minutes later Shin pays after Kairi then goes out]

[at the apartment]
Kairi: hi’ya auntie!^^
Aunt: hi Kairi! Oh by the way…
Kairi: huh?..
Aunt: there’s a new guest in our apartment and he’s occupying the room after yours.
[*Kairi’s room is at room 201, Shin’s room is 202]
Kairi: really? That’s great.
Aunt: …and …ahm kairi? Can I ask you a favor?
Kairi: sure, what can I do?
Aunt: well, since you’re good in cooking… is it possible that you could give our new guest some taste of your cooking?
Kairi: sure, it’s nothing new, I always do that when we have new guest here right?
Aunt; thanks Kairi! You’re a big help!
Kairi: no problem.
[Kairi went in her room then shin enters the apartment]
Aunt: Mr. Natsume?
Shin: uhh,..yeah..
Aunt: Here’s your room key, your room is in room 202.
Shin: thanks.
[Shin enters his room]
Shin: nice room, maybe I should take a bath first…
[Kairi’s room]
Kairi: [while cooking] (a guy huh, I wonder what he looks like…)
[After a while]
Kairi: all done![*she’s talking about the food][then she rang the door bell of Shin’s room]
Shin: coming! (Who could that be at this moment? Well probably the owner…)
Kairi: (that voice sounds familiar…) sorry to bother you, the owner just ask me to bring you something to eat…
[Shin opens the door [*he’s just wearing shorts and a towel on his head]]
Shin: eh?..Thanks…
[Kairi saw that the guy is just wearing shorts so she blushed and immediately turns her back [*she didn’t notice that it was shin]]
Kairi: I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to- [startled]
Shin: eh? Sakura?
Kairi: [looks again…] Natsume???? [Immediately turns her back again] *sheez… why do I always encounter this guy?? I cursed or something??*
Shin: huh?? Are you saying something??...
Kairi: huh..n-no! I’ll just come back to get my bowl…Shin: ah,ok..whatever you say…

…Before proceeding to the next scene…here are some Japanese lessons for you:
§ Nagareboshi – [I really don’t want to say what this means but…] it means “shooting star”…[there! I said it!]
§ Ohayo – means “good morning” [add ‘gozaimasu’ for formality]
§ Minna-san – means “everyone”
§ Sensei – means “teacher”
§ Kawaii – means “cute” [*they say you can’t use kawaii for boys but, I can’t help it…that’s how I define my character!!heehee…]

[Next morning… Tuesday]
[Alarm clock rings, then Shin turn off the alarm]
Shin: huh?..what time is it??..[Looks at the clock- 7:00am] …wah! oh shit! I’m gonna be late!!
[rushed off to school, while running he saw Kairi]
Shin: *huh..its Sakura*…hey!Sakura!!!
Kairi: huh? Oh its just you… what do you want?
Shin: ahmm… about last night…
Kairi: oh, don’t worry I didn’t see a thing… [*actually she still remembers it clearly]
Shin: its not that…I just wanna-
Suzuka: Kaiiriii!!
Kairi: [Saw Meiko and Suzuka] Meiko!!...Suzuka!!
Suzuka: hurry up! We’re gonna be late!...
Kairi: coming!...see ya! [she’s talking to shin]
Shin: ah!wait! I just want to-… oh well….

[at the classroom]
Sensei: ok class…the cleaning duty for today will be Mr. Natsume and Ms. Sakura…
Kairi: [thinking of something, she didn’t heard what the teacher said]

Suzuka: hey guys! I heard a new shop will open today… wanna go see it?
Kairi: Sure! Maybe I could buy something for my self there *or for shinzu…^^* Meiko!...
Meiko: yeah, let’s go!...
[Kairi, Meiko and Suzuka walking out of the classroom…]
Shin: Oy! Sakura!
Kairi: huh?....what?
Shin: You’re in the cleaning duty remember?
Kairi: *oh shoot*
Meiko: Kairi? Something wrong?
Kairi: I’m sorry guys… I’m in the cleaning duty today… go on without me, I’ll try to catch up if I can, I promise…
Suzuka: Awwe,..i guess it can’t be help but,..hurry up ok!
Kairi: ok!..
[Suzuka and Meiko left]
Kairi: *I finally found the time for myself then here he is again ruining my plans…>.<*
Shin: you saying somethin’?
Kairi: I’m not saying anything!!!
Shin: if you have a problem about the cleaning duty schedule, tell it to the teacher! It’s not like I want to be stuck with a clumsy girl like YOU!... y’know!
Kairi: [walking angrily to shin] I thought I told you not to call me clu—wahhh! [Accidentally slips off because the mop is on the ground]
[Shin catches Kairi then both of them suddenly blush and then Shin immediately let go of Kairi]
Kairi: AW!
Shin: …I told you you’re clumsy…
Kairi: I’m not clumsy!!...
[Shin and Kairi walking home]
Kairi: ( I wonder if Suzuka and Meiko are still there)
Shin: hey., isn’t that the friends of yours?
Kairi: huh?..[ Saw Suzu and Meiko] ah yah,.. Meiko! Suzu!!
Suzuka: Meiko look! Its Kairi!!...
Meiko: yo Kairi!
Kairi: hi guys!*oh yeah right* Natsu-[ Shin continues walking leaving her behind]
Kairi: *hmph! He’s really soo…*
Meiko: kairi…
Kairi: yes?
Meiko: isn’t that Natsume?
Kairi: ahh,..yeah…
Suzuka: Kairi we’ve got something to show you…
Meiko: Isn’t it that Shinzu’s birthday is coming up?? We thought you could give this to him as a birthday present…[holding a cap]
Kairi: Its great! Thanks guys! He’ll be very happy!
Meiko: actually it’s all Suzu’s idea
Kairi: Thanks Suzu!!
Suzuka: teehee..^^P

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The chAraCterZ...

[i would like to put some pictures of them, but..... unfortunately... i don't have one yet, so let your imaginations run wild as you read my story, but for now, here are the characters]

§ Kairi Sakura

§ Shin Natsume

§ Meiko Minami

§ Suzuka Miyazawa

§ Seiya Natsume

§ Shinzu Shinsetsuna

§ Yuu Akizuki

§ Aya Akizuki

§ Kairi’s Aunt/Aunty/Auntie [*'sigh' whatever..-_-]

+note: some characters may be added along the progress of the story+

Introducing Nagareboshi...

A story of a high school girl who is left by her parent and is living in her aunty's apartment. She is very intellent, a good cook but you'll hate to make her mad. One day she lost her necklace, and her wish in finding her necklace on a nagareboshi has also found its way to find the one her heart desires. A romantic comedy that will blow your hearts out because of the twist and turns of their life's situations. As many guys enter her highschool life, who might be the one she'll choose in the end.
+++well, that's the short intro of nagareboshi, hope you'll find it interesting 'till the end..^^P+