Friday, November 6, 2009

[chapter 6]

[Kairi and Shin were about to enter the apartment when Kairi noticed a car park in front]

Kairi: hmm.. does aunt-yukie has guest today? I wonder whose car this is… [Kairi and shin enters the apartment]

Kairi: We’re home!...

Yukie: is that you kairi?[talking from the kitchen]

Kairi: [approaching the kitchen] ahmm…aunt-yuki?whose car is parked in front of the ap— [kairi got surprised in what she saw, or should I say “who” she saw that she dropped her bag]

[Shin got curious of Kairi’s reaction so he rushed-off to the kitchen]

Shin: what’s wrong?huh? who’s that?

Guy: hi Kairi!..long time no see..^^

Kairi:[smiles] DYLAN!! [Kairi rush-off to the guy and hugged him] are you? You look taller! What brings you here? Did you just arrive? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? You have a car?? I’ve missed you!

[*Dylan Akizuki – is almost a childhood friend of Kairi, they knew each other before Kairi’s father died, he is the son of Yukie Akizuki – Kairi’s Aunt – though again, they are not blood related]

Dylan: Whoa! Slow down Kairi, I can’t answer all those questions…

Kairi: hihi,..sorry Dylan, it’s just that it has been too long since we’ve seen each other…

[Dylan and Kairi laughing at each other]

[Shin looks slightly irritated looking at the two]

Shin: Ahem! [fake cough]

Dylan: hmm...? Kairi?

Kairi: yes?

Dylan: Who’s he? Your boyfriend?

[Shin and Kairi got shocked of Dylan’s question and they both blushed immediately]

Shin: SHE?? My girlfriend??? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

Kairi: HE?? My boyfriend??? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

[then they both look at opposite direction still blushing]

Shin: I wouldn’t want to be stuck with that clumsy girl y’know!!

Kairi: CLUMSY??!!hmph! and I wouldn’t want to be with a perverted guy like YOU!!!

Shin: Whaat??! I told you it’s not mine! [he’s talking ‘bout the XXX in chapter 5]

Kairi: You can’t deny it!! I’ve caught you already pervert!

[Dylan and his mom are just smiling while watching the two quarrel]

Dylan: Mom, does they always show their love to each other this way?hehe..

Yukie: ^^.

[after kairi and shin heard that, they became stiffed then…]

Kairi & Shin: hmph!..

Kairi: hmm…sorry Dylan, you shouldn’t have seen me like’s embarrassing…

Dylan: that’s ok Kairi, no need to apologize, hmm…. Aya’s taking so long…

Kairi: Aya-chan? She’s here? Where is she?

Aya: I’m here!..hi Kairi-Oneechan

Dylan: Where have you been?

Aya: just for a walk oniichan

Yukie: I better finish preparing our dinner…

Kairi: I’ll help you out Aunt-yukie

Yukie: Thanks Kairi, but its ok, you haven’t seen Dylan for a long time, why don’t you guys go to the living room and talk..

Kairi:well,..ok Aunt-yukie, if you say so…

[then they all went to the living room, except shin- he went back to his room]

[Meanwhile, in shin’s room]

Shin: [talking to himself] sheez..she looks stupid!tsk, why should she be so excited talking to that guy??arrgghh..she irritates me so much!![*Aawwweee…is he jealous?? ]

[in the living room]

Kairi: ‘Aa-aa-aaaaachooo’ ‘sniff sniff’

Dylan: you’ okay kairi?

Kairi: yup,..(hmm..maybe someone’s thinking of me..hihi..) sorry ‘bout that..

Aya: ..So, as I was saying,..Oniichan is really lucky with this kind of stuffs, last time he won his super awesome cellphone on a raffle in the supermarket, And now,..he won his car with just one ticket!!

Kairi: (hih..Aya is so energetic) wow,.maybe you have some kind of lucky charm Dylan…

Dylan: Well, I’m not sure of that, but it’s a good thing and it’s easier for us to go to places especially visiting mom, and you…Kairi…

Aya: it’s not a GOOD thing!!! It’s an EXCELLENT thing!!!

[Kairi just smiles and Dylan looks at her gently]

[next day]

Kairi: good morning Aunt-yukie, g’morning Aya and Dylan!

Yukie: Goodmorning to you too Kairi, Dylan went out early, he said he had a little work to do..

Kairi: Eeh??!!i thought he’s here for a vacation?

Yukie: well, you know him…he likes to get busy even at times like this, but he said it’s just temporary…

Kairi: Aahh…I see,..Dylan is really amazing…, well, I have to go Aunt-yukie, Ja!

Yukie: ok Kairi, take care!!

[At the school]

Dylan: uhm,..excuse me ladies… do you know where I could find the faculty room?

S.girl1: Ahh..y-yess[blushing] just go to the second floor and then right..

Dylan: Thanks!you’re a big help

S.girl1: ..he called us ladies..

S.girl2: I wonder who that guy is…

S.girl1: yeah,..he seems mature to be a student…

S.girl3: ..and is young to be a teacher…

S.girl1,2,3: ‘Sigh’….

[At the Classroom]

Sensei: Guys, your teacher in English Mr. L, is on leave so you’ll have a substitute teacher for the time being, you can come in now Mr. Akizuki.

Kairi: A-ki-zuki?...

[Door opens – Dylan enters]

Dylan: ohayo minna-san. I’m Dylan Akizuki, I’ll be your substitute teacher in English, nice to meet you!

All girls in class: Nice to meet you too sensei~~~

Kairi: [shocked and just looking at Dylan]

Dylan: ^^P [looking at Kairi]

Shin: tsk.

[Lunch break]

Kairi: hey Dylan, why didn’t you tell me you’re going to be a substitute teacher here?

Dylan: Well,.. I want to surprise you, and I think I did a great job doing that..^^

Kairi: yeah..very good job…

[Some girls peaking to where Dylan and Kairi is Talking]

g1: Eehh…Kairi know Akizuki-sensei?

G2: waahh…why is she always close to cute and cool guys??..i’m so jea~lo~us..

G3: well,’s unforgivable.. but.. it can’t be help if its Sakura..

G1 and 2: ‘sigh’ yeah…

Suzuka: ei, Meiko, is that the Dylan we know?

Meiko: well, I think so, ‘coz he’s talking to Kairi after all…

G1,2,3: eehh?? Suzuka? Meiko?

Suzu&Meiko: huh?

G1: you two know Akizuki-sensei too?

Suzu: yup!^^.

G2: waah…now I’m really, rea~lly~ JEA~LOU~~~S…

Meiko: *jea..lou..s…huh..?* [looking at Dylan and Kairi]

Suzu: huh?did you say something Meiko?

Meiko: hm?…

[end of chapter 6]

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